At startup Windows goes through all the applications that will start. Actually, many of those applications you don’t use or need at startup time. You can manually start the applications on your own if you need an application later. In the end your PC will startup quicker.
Instructions for minimizing Windows XP startup time.
1. Click on the “Start” button then choose “Run”.
2. Type “msconfig” in the “Run” window and hit Enter. The ‘System Configuration Utility’ Window will appear.
3. Click on the “Startup” tab.
4. Unselect the “Startup Items” that you don’t want Windows to start at startup up. You can always start the application manually when you need them.
5. Click “OK” or hit “Enter”. You can restart now or you can choose to restart later.
6. Next time you boot your computer it will show you an warning saying you have used the system config utility to change the way windows start. Just Tick the “Do not show this message” and click “OK”.